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Red Mountain


Just For Today

I will not worry.

I will not be angry.

I will be grateful for all my blessings.

I will do my work honestly.

I will be kind to all living things.


These are the five principles of Reiki. I try to apply each of them to my daily life. In fact, Mikao Usui, the creator of Usui Reiki, referred to them as "the secret method to invite happiness" and "the miraculous medicine to cure all diseases" He asked his students to repeat them every morning and every evening.


Reiki (pronounced "RAY KEE") is a Japanese word that means "universal life-force energy". All living things are made of energy that flows through us as well as around our physical form in what makes up our aura. This has been scientifically proven to exist. The Reiki practitioner has been attuned to channel this energy directly from Source, God, Creator, Spirit, The Universe, or whatever you are comfortable referring to this source energy as, through our hands into the human energy field to promote healing and remove energetic blocks. 

Reiki is a form of 'Holistic" healing because it affects the whole person -body, mind, spirit-encouraging the body to summon its own healing abilities and promote deep relaxation and a sense of general well-being.


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